During this session we discussed Part 2 of the book.
CH 4 Fostering Intrinsic Motivation: Andy Kaufman students are teaching Russian Literature in a juvenile detention center BOOKS BEHIND BARS
We discussed different options that we have tried or will try to get students motivated. One suggestion was to give students assignments in which they could personalize their project using their home country or a company of their choosing.
CH 5 LEARNING FOR MASTERY: Student pick their own assignments. GIVING STUDENTS SENSE OF CONTROL. Quizzes are a great tool -STUDENTS EARN THEIR GRADE! The book Specification Grading by Linda Nilson was suggesting to see examples.
CH6 LOWERING THE STAKES: the test effect-testing not studying promotes long term recall. “Testing should be similar in format to actual exams so students ‘practice” the same types of questions. Recall of memory, not storage is key. More frequent assignments, may not be worthwhile to cheat. (Susan Ambrose –how learning works).
CH 7 INSTILLING SELF-EFFICACY: Our students are not great judges of their understanding… metacognition recognition of the ability to solve and the difficulty of solving in the time frame. Flipped classroom-just because you cover it doesn’t mean students are learning it! P 147